You may be wondering why your dentist recommended for you to chew gum. Is that good for dental health? Isn’t it spoiling our teeth? Let me share the reason behind your dentist’s recommendation.
DDS Irving Tx dentist recommends these four daily habits to acquire good dental health- brushing, flossing, rinsing and chewing. Obviously, you know to brush twice a day, flossing daily and using mouthwash daily, but you might not be aware that your dentist wants you to chew gum.
Let’s discuss the important things related to chewing gum and its benefits to your oral health.
Why chewgum on a daily basis? The best type of gum to chew is sugar-less and the best time is after your meal. When you chew gum, it inspires saliva production which helps in reducing plaque, cleaning food particles from your mouth, and neutralizes acids that help in breaking down tooth enamel.
Why is saliva important?
Saliva helps in washing out the mouth. Saliva contains proteins and minerals that keep our mouth healthy and leads to the proper digestion of food.
Chewing gum after your meal stimulates saliva which:
Having low saliva production or dry mouth can lead to bad breath.
To learn more about chewing gum and its dental health benefits, contact us today! Irving dental Irving tx Convenient online scheduling available!
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