Cosmetic Dentistry in Irving, TX

Cosmetic Dentistry in Irving, TX

Cosmetic dental procedures are treatments that improve the appearance of your smile. If your teeth are chipped or severely stained due to tobacco use or aging, our dentist in Irving, TX, at Smiles of Irving, may recommend cosmetic dental treatments to restore your smile’s appearance. Depending on the procedure, you may need to visit our office multiple times for treatment. 

Porcelain Veneers

When you are unhappy with the color and shape of your teeth, porcelain veneers may be the solution. These thin shells bonded to the front of your teeth can cover many flaws, including chips, cracks, discoloration, gaps, and even minor misalignments. They require little to no removal of enamel from your natural teeth, and they are stain-resistant. Plus, they look and feel so natural that no one will be able to tell they aren’t your original teeth!

Composite Fillings

A composite filling is a tooth-colored plastic and glass mixture used to restore decayed teeth. The material blends in so well with the natural color of your teeth that no one will be able to tell that you have had a cavity filled. Our dentist will first remove the decay and clean the tooth before placing the filling. After the dentist has filled the cavity, they will apply a special light to the filling to harden it. In addition to restoring your tooth’s shape and function, a composite filling will also restore its strength and appearance.

Teeth Whitening

Suppose you have teeth that are discolored or yellowed due to coffee, cigarettes, red wine, or other chromogenic substances. In that case, teeth whitening is an excellent option to lighten your smile by up to several shades in just one session!

Porcelain Crowns

Patients choose porcelain crowns to restore teeth that are chipped, cracked, broken, or severely discolored. They are a cosmetic solution that makes teeth appear healthier and more beautiful and covers enamel worn away by grinding or acid erosion. They can help restore a tooth’s shape, size, and strength as well as improve its appearance. Crowns are fully customized to match the color of your surrounding teeth, making them look natural in your smile. 


Onlays are sometimes referred to as “partial crowns.” They are used to repair a tooth when the damage is more extensive and cannot be fixed with a filling but is not extensive enough to require a full crown. An onlay will cover most of the chewing surface of the tooth. This porcelain restoration is custom-made to fit your tooth precisely. Once in place, it will look natural and blend in seamlessly with the rest of your teeth. It will strengthen your tooth and protect it from further damage. 

Gum Contouring

“Gum contouring” is a term that refers to reshaping the gums to improve the appearance of their line and symmetry. This treatment can be performed using lasers. Lasers can remove gum tissue without causing any bleeding or discomfort. It may be possible to perform this procedure in a single office visit, depending on the case. Once the process is complete, patients may experience some mild soreness in the gums, but this should subside within a few days. The results are immediate and impressive. Patients will be able to smile with confidence, knowing that their teeth look beautiful.

Cosmetic dentistry encompasses a wide range of procedures to improve your smile's appearance. Visit Smiles of Irving at 3204 N MacArthur Blvd c, Irving, TX 75062, or call (972) 258-6462 to learn more about cosmetic dentistry.


3204 N MacArthur Blvd c,
Irving, TX 75062

Office Hours

MON - FRI9:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT9:00 am - 2:00 pm
